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El presente módulo está dirigido exclusivamente a nuevos usuarios que desean pertenecer al Directorio Nacional d e Investigadores, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica de CONCYTEC.

Ficha CTI Vitae

Systems Engineer,National University of Huancavelica. Holds a diploma in ICT Management. Specialized in Design Thinking and completed an International Specialization Program in Scrum at Centrum PUCP. Certified in the management of Scientific Journals, Editing, and Reviewing with OJS-PKP 3 in Canada. Blind peer reviewer, exhibiting good citation behavior, expertise in science review, and an introduction to peer review. Specialist in the management and administration of scientific journals and repositories. Cloud server management specialist with expertise in Amazon, GIGAS, and other platforms. Certified interpreter of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard by the SGS Academy.

Fecha de última actualización: 08-04-2024
Código de Registro:   P0224148
Ver:   Ficha Renacyt

Scopus Author Identifier: 57290570700
Web of Science ResearcherID: AER-4171-2022
Fecha:  24/10/2020
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