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Ficha CTI Vitae

Katherina Kuschel works at CENTRUM Graduate Business School and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru, 2020) exploring the experience of Latin American women entrepreneurs. In 2019, she co-edited a Routledge book on wellbeing and women entrepreneurs, and a special issue at the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal on Women Entrepreneurship within STEM. She developed the research line of women’s innovation and entrepreneurship from an ecosystem perspective at Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (Chile, 2018-2019). Kuschel is a team player. She participated in a comprehensive international study on the role of women entrepreneurs in development of regional innovation ecosystems at Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Laurier (Canada, 2017). She was Visiting Researcher at University of Siegen (Germany, 2016) where she led an international collaborative research project on entrepreneurial failure. She was Assistant Professor of Management at the School of Economics and Business - Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile, 2012-2015). Kuschel holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain, 2011).

Fecha de última actualización: 16-07-2024
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