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Ficha CTI Vitae

Luis Orozco-Barbosa recibió et título en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Computación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, en 1979, el Diploma de Estudios Superiores de la École Nationale Supérieure dInformatique et de Mathématiques Apliquées de Grenoble (ENSIMAG), Francia, en 1984 y el Doctorado de lUniversité de la Universidad Pierre et Marie Curie, Francia, en 1987, en ciencias de la computación. De 1991 a 2002, fue profesor en la Escuela de Tecnología de la Información e Ingeniería (SITE) de la Universidad de Ottawa, Canadá. En 2002, se incorporó al Departamento de Ingeniería Informática en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España). Desde 2003, es Director del Instituto de Investigación de Informática de Albacete, un Centro Regional de Excelencia. Ha dirigido numerosos proyectos de investigación con el sector privado y ha participado como asesor técnico de la Agencia Canadiense de Desarrollo Internacional (ACDI) y el Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen los protocolos de Internet, planificación de redes, comunicaciones inalámbricas, el modelado de tráfico y evaluación del desempeño. Es miembro del IEEE.

Fecha de última actualización: 08-10-2018

Scopus Author Identifier: 7006046164
Web of Science ResearcherID: null

Datos Personales

Nombres: LUIS
Nacionalidad: MEXICO

Datos Actuales

Pagina web personal: http://www.i3a.uclm.es
Pais de residencia: España

Experiencia Laboral

Institución Cargo Descripción del cargo Cargo en I+d+i Fecha Inicio Fecha Fin
UNIVERSIDAD CASTILLA LA MANCHA (ALBACETE, ESPAÑA) CATEDRÁTICO DE UNIVERSIDAD Profesor de Ingeniería Informática y Director del Instituto de Investigación en Informática de Albacete Docente Investigador Setiembre 2002 A la actualidad
UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA PROFESOR Profesor Setiembre 1991 Agosto 2002
UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA INVESTIGADOR Investigador en el área de comunicaciones multimedia Setiembre 1987 Agosto 1991

Experiencia Laboral como Docente

Institución Tipo Institución Tipo Docente Descripción del cargo Fecha Inicio Fecha Fin
UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA Universidad Ordinario-Principal Docencia en grado y postgrado Setiembre 2002 A la actualidad
UNIVERSIDAD DE OTTAWA Universidad Ordinario-Principal Profesor del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y en Computación Mayo 2002 Agosto 2004
UNIVERSIDAD DE OTTAWA Universidad Ordinario-Asociado Profesor asociado del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y en Computación Mayo 1997 Mayo 2002
UNIVERSIDAD DE OTTAWA Universidad Ordinario-Principal Profesor asistente del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y en Computación Setiembre 1991 Mayo 1997

Experiencia como Asesor de Tesis

Universidad Tesis Tesista(s) Repositorio Fecha Aceptación de Tesis
UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA Doctorado María Ángeles Santos Oliva Setiembre 2013
UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA Doctorado Antonio Manuel Ortiz Abril 2011
UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA Doctorado Francisco Manuel Delicado Martínez Setiembre 2005
UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA Doctorado Francisco Montero García Abril 2012
UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA Doctorado José Manuel Castillo Cara Junio 2018

Experiencia como evaluador y/o formulador de proyectos

Tipo de experiencia Ańo Tipo de proyecto Entidad financiadora Nombre del concurso Metodología de evaluación Monto proyecto (USD)
Experiencia como Evaluador 2008 Proyectos de investigación aplicada NATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Development Grant Evaluador por pares 0.0
Experiencia como formulador(sólo proyectos ganados) 2007 Proyectos de investigación aplicada MINISTERIO DE INDUSTRIA, TURISMO Y COMERCIO - ESPAÑA CENIT 600000.0

Formación Académica (Fuente: SUNEDU)

Grado Título Centro de Estudios País de Estudios Fuente

Formación Académica (Fuente: Manual)

Grado Título Centro de Estudios País de Estudios Fecha de inicio Fecha fin Fuente

Estudios Técnicos

Centro de estudios Carrera Fecha de Inicio Fecha de fin

Estudios académicos y/o técnicos superiores en curso

Centro de estudios Carrera Tipo de estudios Fecha de inicio

Formación Complementaria

Centro de estudios Capacitación complementaria Frecuencia Cantidad País de estudio Fecha de inicio Fecha fin


Idioma Lectura Conversación Escritura Forma de aprendizaje Lengua Materna

Línea de investigación

Área Sub área Disciplina Temática Ambiental Temática Médica y de la Salud
Ingeniería y Tecnología Ingenierías Eléctrica, Electrónica e Informática Ingeniería de sistemas y comunicaciones
Ingeniería y Tecnología Ingenierías Eléctrica, Electrónica e Informática Telecomunicaciones

Producción científica

Tipo Producción Título Autor Año de Producción DOI Revista Fuente Cuartil de ScimagoJR o JCR*
Artículo en revista científica A performance study for the multicast collision prevention mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Santos M. 2018 10.1007/s11276-016-1405-x Wireless Networks Q2
Artículo en revista científica A performance study for the multicast collision prevention mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Santos M. 2018 10.1007/s11276-016-1405-x Wireless Networks Q2
Artículo en revista científica Modeling and Analysis of the 1-Wire Communication Protocol Using Timed Colored Petri Nets Cambronero M. 2018 IEEE Access S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Modeling and Analysis of the 1-Wire Communication Protocol Using Timed Colored Petri Nets Cambronero M. 2018 IEEE Access S/C***
Conference Paper Supervised learning algorithms for indoor localization fingerprinting using BLE4.0 beacons Lovón-Melgarejo J. 2018 2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2017 - Proceedings
Conference Paper Supervised learning algorithms for indoor localization fingerprinting using BLE4.0 beacons Lovón-Melgarejo J. 2018 2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2017 - Proceedings
Conference Paper Performance study of the IEEE 802.15.6 slotted aloha mechanism with power control in a multiuser environment Orozco-Barbosa L. 2017 10.1007/978-3-319-51204-4_3 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST No Aplica
Conference Paper Performance study of the IEEE 802.15.6 slotted aloha mechanism with power control in a multiuser environment Orozco-Barbosa L. 2017 10.1007/978-3-319-51204-4_3 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica An Analysis of Multiple Criteria and Setups for Bluetooth Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization Mechanism Castillo-Cara M. 2017 10.1155/2017/1928578 Journal of Sensors Q2
Artículo en revista científica An Analysis of Multiple Criteria and Setups for Bluetooth Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization Mechanism Castillo-Cara M. 2017 10.1155/2017/1928578 Journal of Sensors Q2
Journal-article An Emprirical Study of the Transmission Power Setting for Bluetooth-based Indoor Localization Mechanisms 2017 10.3390/s17061318 Luis Orozco-Barbosa a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica An empirical study of the transmission power setting for bluetooth-based indoor localization mechanisms Castillo-Cara M. 2017 Sensors (Switzerland) S/C***
Artículo en revista científica An empirical study of the transmission power setting for bluetooth-based indoor localization mechanisms Castillo-Cara M. 2017 Sensors (Switzerland) S/C***
Conference Paper An experimental evaluation of IoT technologies in precision viticulture Orozco-Barbosa L. 2017 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
Conference Paper An experimental evaluation of IoT technologies in precision viticulture Orozco-Barbosa L. 2017 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
Journal-article Dyn-ARF: a rate adaptation mechanism sensitive to the network load over 802.11 WLANs 2016 10.1007/s11235-014-9949-5 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Introducing IoT and Wearable Technologies into Task-Based Language Learning for Young Children 2016 10.1109/TLT.2016.2557333 Crossref a través de ORCID
Journal-article Spatial Statistical abalysis for thr design of indoor particle-filter based localization mechanisms 2016 10.1177/1550147716661953 Luis Orozco-Barbosa a través de ORCID
Conference Paper Citizen security using machine learning algorithms through open data Rocca G. 2016 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2016
Conference Paper Citizen security using machine learning algorithms through open data Rocca G. 2016 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2016
Artículo en revista científica Dyn-ARF: a rate adaptation mechanism sensitive to the network load over 802.11 WLANs Santos M. 2016 Telecommunication Systems S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Dyn-ARF: a rate adaptation mechanism sensitive to the network load over 802.11 WLANs Santos M. 2016 Telecommunication Systems S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Introducing IoT and Wearable Technologies into Task-Based Language Learning for Young Children De La Guia E. 2016 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Introducing IoT and Wearable Technologies into Task-Based Language Learning for Young Children De La Guia E. 2016 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies S/C***
Journal-article Hierarchical Slotted Wireless Random Channel Access with Power Control 2015 10.1155/2015/614158 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Smart cross-layer protocol integration for efficient wireless communications Ortiz A. 2015 10.1504/IJAHUC.2015.073173 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing Q3
Artículo en revista científica Smart cross-layer protocol integration for efficient wireless communications Ortiz A. 2015 10.1504/IJAHUC.2015.073173 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing Q3
Journal-article Smart cross-layer protocol integration for efficient wireless communications 2015 10.1504/IJAHUC.2015.073173 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Hierarchical Slotted Wireless Random Channel Access with Power Control Karouit A. 2015 Mathematical Problems in Engineering S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Hierarchical Slotted Wireless Random Channel Access with Power Control Karouit A. 2015 Mathematical Problems in Engineering S/C***
Journal-article On reactive routing protocols in ZigBee wireless sensor networks 2014 10.1111/exsy.12018 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica On reactive routing protocols in ZigBee wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2014 Expert Systems S/C***
Artículo en revista científica On reactive routing protocols in ZigBee wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2014 Expert Systems S/C***
Artículo en revista científica On reactive routing protocols in ZigBee wireless sensor networks Ortiz, A.M. 2014 Expert Systems S/C***
Artículo en revista científica On reactive routing protocols in ZigBee wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2014 Expert Systems S/C***
Journal-article Fuzzy-logic based routing for dense wireless sensor networks 2013 10.1007/s11235-011-9597-y Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article On the optimization of the contention resolution mechanism for IEEE 802.16 networks 2013 10.1007/s11235-011-9600-7 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Intelligent routing strategies in wireless sensor networks for smart cities applications 2013 10.1109/ICNSC.2013.6548830 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A proposal to aggregate bandwidth request for WiMAX 2013 10.1109/WMNC.2013.6549006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the design of robust and adaptive IEEE 802.11 multicast services for video transmissions 2013 10.1109/WoWMoM.2013.6583508 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Smart wireless design scheme: Fuzzy-logic routing and TDMA MAC protocol integration 2013 10.1145/2508222.2508229 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A team study of a multiple-power wireless random channel access mechanism with capture effect 2013 10.1155/2013/187630 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A case study on the power-aware protocol framework for wireless sensor networks 2013 10.1155/2013/718252 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article ARROW: Azimuth-Range ROuting for large-scale Wireless sensor networks 2013 10.1186/1687-1499-2013-93 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica A case study on the power-aware protocol framework for wireless sensor networks Díaz P. 2013 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A case study on the power-aware protocol framework for wireless sensor networks Díaz, P. 2013 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A case study on the power-aware protocol framework for wireless sensor networks Díaz P. 2013 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks S/C***
Conference Paper A proposal to aggregate bandwidth request for WiMAX Delicado J. 2013 Proceedings of 2013 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper A proposal to aggregate bandwidth request for WiMAX Delicado J. 2013 Proceedings of 2013 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper A proposal to aggregate bandwidth request for WiMAX Delicado, J. 2013 Proceedings of 2013 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2013 No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica ARROW: Azimuth-Range ROuting for large-scale Wireless sensor networks Kulakowski, P. 2013 Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking S/C***
Artículo en revista científica ARROW: Azimuth-Range ROuting for large-scale Wireless sensor networks Kulakowski P. 2013 Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking S/C***
Artículo en revista científica ARROW: Azimuth-Range ROuting for large-scale Wireless sensor networks Kulakowski P. 2013 Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A team study of a multiple-power wireless random channel access mechanism with capture effect Karouit A. 2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A team study of a multiple-power wireless random channel access mechanism with capture effect Karouit, A. 2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A team study of a multiple-power wireless random channel access mechanism with capture effect Karouit A. 2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering S/C***
Conference Paper Fuzzy-logic based routing for dense wireless sensor networks Ortiz, A.M. 2013 Telecommunication Systems No Aplica
Conference Paper Fuzzy-logic based routing for dense wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2013 Telecommunication Systems No Aplica
Conference Paper Intelligent routing strategies in wireless sensor networks for smart cities applications Ortiz A. 2013 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper Intelligent routing strategies in wireless sensor networks for smart cities applications Ortiz A. 2013 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper Intelligent routing strategies in wireless sensor networks for smart cities applications Ortiz, A.M. 2013 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper On the design of robust and adaptive IEEE 802.11 multicast services for video transmissions Santos, M.A. 2013 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper On the design of robust and adaptive IEEE 802.11 multicast services for video transmissions Santos M. 2013 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper On the design of robust and adaptive IEEE 802.11 multicast services for video transmissions Santos M. 2013 2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper On the optimization of the contention resolution mechanism for IEEE 802.16 networks Delicado J. 2013 Telecommunication Systems No Aplica
Conference Paper On the optimization of the contention resolution mechanism for IEEE 802.16 networks Delicado, J. 2013 Telecommunication Systems No Aplica
Conference Paper On the optimization of the contention resolution mechanism for IEEE 802.16 networks Delicado J. 2013 Telecommunication Systems No Aplica
Conference Paper Smart wireless design scheme: Fuzzy-logic routing and TDMA MAC protocol integration Ortiz A. 2013 MobiWac 2013 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, Co-located with ACM MSWiM 2013 No Aplica
Conference Paper Smart wireless design scheme: Fuzzy-logic routing and TDMA MAC protocol integration Ortiz, A.M. 2013 MobiWac 2013 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, Co-located with ACM MSWiM 2013 No Aplica
Journal-article RPSF: A new QoS bandwidth request mechanism for the IEEE 802.16 2012 10.1007/s11235-010-9392-1 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11aa group addressed service for robust audio-video streaming 2012 10.1109/ICC.2012.6364893 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A novel QoE-aware multicast mechanism for video communications over IEEE 802.11 WLANs 2012 10.1109/JSAC.2012.120806 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Rate adaptation algorithm for 802.11 networks: A dynamic decision approach 2012 10.1109/WMNC.2012.6416143 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica A novel QoE-aware multicast mechanism for video communications over IEEE 802.11 WLANs Santos M. 2012 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A novel QoE-aware multicast mechanism for video communications over IEEE 802.11 WLANs Santos, M.A. 2012 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications S/C***
Conference Paper Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11aa group addressed service for robust audio-video streaming Santos, M.A. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications No Aplica
Conference Paper Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11aa group addressed service for robust audio-video streaming Santos M. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications No Aplica
Conference Paper Rate adaptation algorithm for 802.11 networks: A dynamic decision approach Santos M. 2012 Proceedings of 2012 5th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2012 No Aplica
Conference Paper Rate adaptation algorithm for 802.11 networks: A dynamic decision approach Santos, M.A. 2012 Proceedings of 2012 5th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2012 No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica RPSF: A new QoS bandwidth request mechanism for the IEEE 802.16 Delicado J. 2012 Telecommunication Systems S/C***
Artículo en revista científica RPSF: A new QoS bandwidth request mechanism for the IEEE 802.16 Delicado, J. 2012 Telecommunication Systems S/C***
Book Protocol integration for intelligent monitoring applications in wireless sensor networks 2011 10.1007/978-3-642-21344-1_53 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Smart routing mechanism for green ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks 2011 10.1109/ISCC.2011.5983870 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A novel multicast collision prevention mechanism for IEEE 802.11 2011 10.1109/LCOMM.2011.092011.111408 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Backward link authentication for RFID tags 2011 10.1109/RFID-TA.2011.6068660 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Intelligent route discovery for ZigBee mesh networks 2011 10.1109/WoWMoM.2011.5986179 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica A novel multicast collision prevention mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Santos, M.A. 2011 IEEE Communications Letters S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A novel multicast collision prevention mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Santos M. 2011 IEEE Communications Letters S/C***
Conference Paper Backward link authentication for RFID tags Malek, B. 2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, RFID-TA 2011 No Aplica
Conference Paper Backward link authentication for RFID tags Malek B. 2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, RFID-TA 2011 No Aplica
Conference Paper Intelligent route discovery for ZigBee mesh networks Ortiz A. 2011 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2011 - Digital Proceedings No Aplica
Conference Paper Intelligent route discovery for ZigBee mesh networks Ortiz, A.M. 2011 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2011 - Digital Proceedings No Aplica
Conference Paper Protocol integration for intelligent monitoring applications in wireless sensor networks Ortiz, A.M. 2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) No Aplica
Conference Paper Protocol integration for intelligent monitoring applications in wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) No Aplica
Conference Paper Smart routing mechanism for green ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks Ortiz, A.M. 2011 Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications No Aplica
Conference Paper Smart routing mechanism for green ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2011 Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications No Aplica
Journal-article Multiservice unicast/multicast communications over IEEE 802.11e networks 2010 10.1007/s11235-009-9193-6 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article An MPEG-2 to H.264 video transcoder in the baseline profile 2010 10.1109/TCSVT.2010.2045914 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Multicast Collision Free (MCF) mechanism over IEEE 802.11 WLANs 2010 10.1109/WMNC.2010.5678748 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Adaptive contention resolution procedure for emerging WiMAX networks 2010 10.1109/WMNC.2010.5678755 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Enhancing collision resolution for large-scale IEEE 802.15.4 networks 2010 10.1109/WMNC.2010.5678759 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Intelligent role-based routing for dense wireless sensor networks 2010 10.1109/WMNC.2010.5678768 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A fast network configuration algorithm for TDMA wireless sensor networks 2010 10.1155/2010/513527 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference Paper Adaptive contention resolution procedure for emerging WiMAX networks Delicado J. 2010 2010 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2010 No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica A fast network configuration algorithm for TDMA wireless sensor networks Royo F. 2010 Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking S/C***
Artículo en revista científica An MPEG-2 to H.264 video transcoder in the baseline profile Fernández-Escribano G. 2010 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology S/C***
Conference Paper Enhancing collision resolution for large-scale IEEE 802.15.4 networks Royo F. 2010 2010 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2010 No Aplica
Conference Paper Enhancing collision resolution for large-scale IEEE 802.15.4 networks Royo, F. 2010 2010 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2010 No Aplica
Conference Paper Intelligent role-based routing for dense wireless sensor networks Ortiz A. 2010 2010 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2010 No Aplica
Conference Paper Multicast Collision Free (MCF) mechanism over IEEE 802.11 WLANs Ángeles Santos M. 2010 2010 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC 2010 No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Multiservice unicast/multicast communications over IEEE 802.11e networks Villalón J. 2010 Telecommunication Systems S/C***
Journal-article Parallel algorithms based on the temporal-window method for non-alternating 3D-WT over angiographies using a multicomputer 2009 10.1007/s11265-008-0188-4 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper 2C-WSN: A configuration protocol based on TDMA communications over WSN 2009 10.1109/GLOCOM.2009.5425742 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper New contention resolution schemes for WiMAX 2009 10.1109/WCNC.2009.4917832 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article On the effect of handover mechanisms on the performance of video communications in WATM networks 2009 10.1504/IJWMC.2009.029352 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference Paper 2C-WSN: A configuration protocol based on TDMA communications over WSN Royo F. 2009 GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica On the effect of handover mechanisms on the performance of video communications in WATM networks Risueño R. 2009 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing S/C***
Book Request mechanisms to reduce the contention period in 802.16: A comparison 2008 10.1007/978-0-387-84839-6_11 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book Efficient joint unicast/multicast transmission over IEEE 802.11e WLANs 2008 10.1007/978-0-387-84839-6_9 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Simple intra prediction algorithms for heterogeneous MPEG-2/H.264 video transcoders 2008 10.1007/s11042-007-0144-5 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article B-EDCA: A QoS mechanism for multimedia communications over heterogeneous 802.11/802.11e WLANs 2008 10.1016/j.comcom.2008.07.012 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A fast MB mode decision algorithm for MPEG-2 to H.264 P-frame transcoding 2008 10.1109/TCSVT.2008.918115 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Low-complexity heterogeneous video transcoding using data mining 2008 10.1109/TMM.2007.911838 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Measurements with different role-based wireless sensor network organizations 2008 10.1145/1454630.1454632 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper WiseObserver: A real experience with wireless sensor networks 2008 10.1145/1454630.1454634 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Study of the IEEE 802.16 contention-based request mechanism 2007 10.1007/978-0-387-74159-8_8 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A synchronous engine for wireless sensor networks 2007 10.1007/978-0-387-74899-3_10 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article MTAP special issue on video transcoding to H.264 2007 10.1007/s11042-007-0122-y Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A first approach to speeding-up the inter mode selection in MPEG-2/H.264 transcoders using machine learning 2007 10.1007/s11042-007-0124-9 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article On the capabilities of IEEE 802.11e for multimedia communications over heterogeneous 802.11/802.11e WLANs 2007 10.1007/s11235-007-9059-8 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Hierarchical MPEG-4 video transmission over TDMA/TDD wireless LAN 2007 10.1007/s11235-007-9064-y Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Entropy improvement by the Temporal-Window method for Alternating and Non-Alternating 3D wavelet transform over angiographies 2007 10.1007/s11517-007-0254-2 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article ARSM: A cross-layer auto rate selection multicast mechanism for multi-rate wireless LANs 2007 10.1049/iet-com:20060249 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A QoS-aware protocol architecture for WiMAX 2007 10.1109/CCECE.2006.277817 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the capabilities of quality measures in video compresion standards 2007 10.1109/CCECE.2006.277833 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Cross-layer architecture for adaptive video multicast streaming over multirate wireless LANs 2007 10.1109/JSAC.2007.070507 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Implementation of a rule-based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks 2007 10.1145/1298275.1298279 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A heterogeneous role-based sensor network 2007 10.1145/1298275.1298288 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Development and evaluation of high-performance decorrelation algorithms for the nonalternating 3D wavelet transform 2007 10.1155/2007/69384 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Developing a QoS framework for media streaming over TDMA/TDD wireless networks 2007 10.1504/IJWMC.2007.014452 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Algorithms based on the standard wavelet transform for angiography sequences decomposition 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Authenticated group key agreement protocols for ad hoc wireless networks 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book Preface 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Privacy preserving &-means clustering in multi-party environment 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Reducing motion estimation complexity in MPEG-2 to H.264 transcoding 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Standard wavelet transform for angiography sequences decorrelation by the temporal-window method 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book Wireless sensor and actor networks: IFIP WG 6.8 first international conference on wireless sensor and actor networks, WSAN07, Albacete, Spain, September 24-26, 2007 2007 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Scalable and fault-tolerant key agreement protocol for dynamic groups 2006 10.1002/nem.592 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article QoS mechanisms for multimedia communications over TDMA/TDD WLANs 2006 10.1016/j.comcom.2006.01.026 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Speeding-up the macroblock partition mode decision in MPEG-2/H.264 transcoding 2006 10.1109/ICIP.2006.312506 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper H.263 to H.264 transconding using data mining 2006 10.1109/ICIP.2007.4379959 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper RD-optimization for MPEG-2 to H.264 transcoding 2006 10.1109/ICME.2006.262460 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Simulation of power-aware wireless sensor network architectures 2006 10.1145/1163653.1163661 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book A novel IEEE 802.11e-based QoS protocol for voice communications over WLANs 2006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book ARSM: Auto rate selection multicast mechanism for multi-rate wireless LANs 2006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book B-EDCA: A new IEEE 802.11e-based QoS protocol for multimedia wireless communications 2006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecutre Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface 2006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book Personal Wireless Communications 2006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book QoS-aware video communications over TDMA/TDD wireless networks 2006 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Design and evaluation of a QoS-aware framework for HIPERLAN/2 networks 2005 10.1007/s11277-005-8727-9 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Probabilistic envelope processes for α-stable self-similar traffic models and their application to resource provisioning 2005 10.1016/j.peva.2004.11.011 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A fast intra-frame prediction algorithm for MPEG-2/H.264 video transcoders 2005 10.1109/ICIP.2005.1530484 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Computational complexity reduction of intra-frame prediction in MPEG-2/H.264 video transcoders 2005 10.1109/ICME.2005.1521521 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper QoS support for time-constrained multimedia communications in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: A performance evaluation 2005 10.1109/ICW.2005.71 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the capabilities of intra-frame prediction in H.264 video encoders 2005 10.1109/PACRIM.2005.1517272 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Limitations and capabilities of QoS support in IEEE 802.11 WLANs 2005 10.1109/PACRIM.2005.1517369 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Modelling and optimization of computer network traffic controllers 2005 10.1155/MPE.2005.617 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book FIMDA: A fast intra-frame mode decision algorithm for MPEG-2/H.264 transcoding 2005 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Multiservice communications over TDMA/TDD wireless LANs 2005 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book On the Effectiveness of IEEE 802.11e QoS support in wireless LAN: A performance analysis 2005 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A class-based allocation mechanism for delay sensitive traffic in WLANs 2004 10.1109/AINA.2004.1283830 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the optimization of Multiservice Internet backbones 2004 10.1109/ICPPW.2004.1328031 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Breakpoint tuning in DCT-based nonlinear layered video codecs 2004 10.1155/S1110865704404156 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A QoS-aware WLAN resource request mechanism for delay sensitive traffic 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the effect of the handover mechanisms in QoS performance in wireless multimedia networks 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the traffic disruption time and packet lost rate during the handover mechanisms in wireless networks 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Performance analysis of the token bucket control mechanism subject to stochastic traffic 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper QoS-aware resource request mechanisms for HIPERLAN/2 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper QoS in IEEE 802.11 wireless lan: Current research activities 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book QoS mechanisms for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs 2004 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article On the dynamic allocation of resources using linear prediction of aggregate network traffic 2003 10.1016/S0140-3664(03)00002-1 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A Multithread NFS Client Architecture for the Multimedia Cluster Generation 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Formal security analysis of GDH key agreement protocols 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Frame-aware layering scheme for DCT-based video communications 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the Capabilities of Packet Discarding Mechanisms in Wireless Networks 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance Evaluation of Handover Mechanisms in Wireless Networks 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper QoS routing for IP-based virtual private network services 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Wavelet-based Compression of Angiography Sequences on a Shared-Memory System 2003 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A novel delineation mechanism for the ATM adaptation layer 2 over wireless ATM networks 2002 10.1002/dac.567 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Optimal QoS control of interacting service stations 2002 10.1051/ro:2003002 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance evaluation for real-time traffic in differentiated services capable IP network 2002 10.1109/CCECE.2002.1012979 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Improving the robustness of MPEG-4 video communications over wireless/3G mobile networks 2002 10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1045466 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Channel loss and queuing loss tradeoffs in voice transmission over ATM switching systems 2002 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Efficient integration of voice and data for transmission over Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) 2002 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Minimal cost design of virtual private networks 2002 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Real-time video applications over ABR using FASTRAC - A rate control algorithm 2002 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Efficient 3D wavelet transform decomposition for video compression 2001 10.1109/DCV.2001.929950 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Optimizing linear prediction of network traffic using modeling based on fractional stable noise 2001 10.1109/ICII.2001.983643 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper The need of multicast predictive NFS servers for high-speed networks used as parallel multimedia platforms 2001 10.1109/ICPPW.2001.951977 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance of MPEG-2 video-on-demand over RSVP 2001 10.1117/12.417480 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Fast Simulation of Broadband Telecommunications Networks Carrying Long-Range Dependent Bursty Traffic 2001 10.1145/502109.502112 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper 3D wavelet compression by message passing on a Myrinet cluster 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper A new fast 3D wavelet transform algorithm for video compression 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Design and evaluation of scalable video delivery services over intranets 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Evaluating the effects of buffer management on voice transmission over packet switching networks 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Improved delineation mechanism for ATM Adaptation Layer 2 over Wireless ATM networks 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Performance analysis of wireless ATM/AAL2 over a burst error channel 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance evaluation of error-resilient mechanisms for MPEG-4 video communications over wireless ATM links 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance study of NFS over Myrinet-based clusters for parallel multimedia applications 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Sensitivity of a network traffic prediction algorithm 2001 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Use of α-stable self-similar stochastic processes for modeling traffic in broadband networks 2000 10.1016/S0166-5316(99)00070-X Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article On the use of frame-based slice size for the robust transmission of MPEG video over ATM networks 2000 10.1109/11.868929 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Loss-resilient ATM protocol architecture for MPEG-2 video communications 2000 10.1109/49.848257 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Error resilient in MPEG-2 video transmission over wireless ATM networks 2000 10.1109/HPSR.2000.856681 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A gradient-based binary feedback scheme for congestion control in computer networks 2000 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Control mechanisms for error-resilient MPEG-2 video communications over ATM networks 2000 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Control mechanisms to improve the robustness of MPEG-2 based communications over ATM networks 2000 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Multi-step neural predictive techniques for congestion control - Part 1: Prediction and control models 2000 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Multi-step neural predictive techniques for congestion control - Part 2: Control procedures 2000 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper On the capabilities of error concealment in MPEG-2 communications over wireless ATM 2000 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article An efficient protocol architecture for error-resilient MPEG-2 video communications over ATM networks 1999 10.1109/11.754992 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Error-resilient video transmission over ATM networks 1999 10.1109/35.809393 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Adaptive control mechanism for the DQDB CO data service 1999 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Experimental study of a parallel wavelets compression system for medical applications 1999 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Fast simulation of broadband telecommunications networks carrying long-range dependent bursty traffic 1999 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Implementation issues and performance evaluation of intelligent network services in PCS networks 1999 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Study of video quality metrics for MPEG-2 based video communications 1999 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Performance evaluation of cell discarding mechanisms for the distribution of VBR MPEG-2 video over ATM networks 1998 10.1109/11.713073 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Techniques to increase MPEG-2 error resilience in the VBR video transmission over ATM networks 1998 10.1109/ICC.1998.685136 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Use of alpha-stable self-similar stochastic processes for modeling traffic in broadband networks 1998 10.1117/12.325872 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book A study of intelligent multimedia services over PSTNs and the internet 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Binary feedback flow control scheme using system sensitivity derivatives for congestion detection 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Congestion control using a multi-step neural predictive technique 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Neurocontroller for buffer overload control in a packet switch 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Optimal congestion bit setting in a flow control scheme using neural networks 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper QoS and statistical multiplexing performance of VBR MPEG-2 video sources over ATM networks 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Some proposals to improve error resilience in the MPEG-2 video transmission over ATM networks 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Tuning-up the DQDB connection-oriented data service 1998 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Study of MPEG-2 video traffic in a multimedia LAN/ATM internetwork system 1997 10.1109/76.611177 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A spread-slotted random-access protocol with multi-priority for personal and mobile communication networks carrying integrated traffic 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Design and performance evaluation of intelligent multimedia services 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Dynamic error concealment technique for the transmission of hierarchical encoded MPEG-2 video over ATM networks 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Error concealment scheme for MPEG-2 video transmission over ATM-based networks 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper GAUSS multicast ATM switch: Analysis & simulation 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Packing scheme for layered coding MPEG-2 video transmission over ATM based networks 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance evaluation of a multiprocessor SCP for intelligent network services 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Study of temporal behaviour of packet loss in packet switches with bursty traffic arrivals 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Survey of error concealment schemes for MPEG-2 video communications over ATM networks 1997 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Adaptive traffic enforcement control mechanism for LANs interconnected by a high-speed network 1996 10.1016/0140-3664(96)01050-X Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Spread slotted medium access control protocol with reservation supporting multimedia services over personal and mobile communication networks 1996 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Share-based congestion control scheme for systems of interconnected networks 1995 10.1016/0140-3664(95)92849-R Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Spread slotted random access protocol with multi-priority for personal and mobile communication networks carrying integrated traffic 1995 10.1109/CCECE.1995.528092 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Integrated traffic protocol for personal communication networks 1995 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Performance requirements for the transport of MPEG video streams over ATM networks 1995 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Slice to cell mapping mechanism for MPEG video communications over ATM networks 1995 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Book Rate control mechanism for LAN/MAN interworking systems 1994 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Using token allocations in a leaky bucket scheme 1994 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Congestion control mechanism for interconnected high-speed networks 1993 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A Multimedia Interhospital Communications System for Medical Consultations 1992 10.1109/49.156104 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article A Multimedia Medical Communications System 1990 10.1109/49.53009 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Conference-paper Interconnection of token rings by IEEE 802.6 metropolitan area networks 1989 10.1109/INFCOM.1989.101544 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID
Journal-article Modeling and simulation of multimedia communication networks 1989 10.1117/12.953321 Scopus to ORCID a través de ORCID

* Sólo se presentan los cuartiles para la producción tipo artículos y review.

** Cuartil no disponible para el año de la publicación.

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UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA METROPOLITANA (MEXICO) Egresado Distinguido Premio otorgado en reconocimiento a la carrera profesional de egresados de la UAM MEXICO http://www.comunicacionsocial.uam.mx/boletinesuam/300-17.html
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