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Ficha CTI Vitae

Prevención y control de enfermedades infecciosas - enfocado en los comportamientos humanos - con enfoque particular en dengue, chagas y rabia canina. Ciencias de la implementación para modificar sistemas de salud, aplicadas a prevención y control de cáncer de cuello uterino y enfermedades infecciosas.

Fecha de última actualización: 26-08-2024

Scopus Author Identifier: 6507482563

Datos Personales

Nacionalidad: PERÚ

Datos Actuales

Pagina web personal: http://
Pais de residencia: Perú

Experiencia Laboral

Institución Cargo Descripción del cargo Cargo en I+d+i Fecha Inicio Fecha Fin
TULANE UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Desarrollar proyectos de investigación en el Peru, escribir artículos científicos, dictar cursos y asesorar a alumnos de la facultad. Docente Investigador Junio 2003 A la actualidad
ASOCIACION BENEFICA PRISMA INVESTIGADOR ASOCIADO Desarrollar proyectos de investigación y apoyar con el desarrollo de investigadores de PRISMA. Agosto 2004 A la actualidad
UNIVERSIDAD PERUANA CAYETANO HEREDIA INVESTIGADOR ASOCIADO Desarrollar proyectos de investigación, escribir artículos científicos, dictar cursos y asesorar a alumnos de la UPCH. Investigaciones mayormente sobre comportamientos asociados a la prevención de enfermedades infecciosas (dengue, Chagas, tuberculosis, transmisión sexual) y salud materna (cáncer de cuello uterino). Coordinadora de la Unidad Una Salud desde el 2018. Setiembre 2015 A la actualidad

Experiencia Laboral como Docente

Institución Tipo Institución Tipo Docente Descripción del cargo Fecha Inicio Fecha Fin
UNIVERSIDAD PERUANA CAYETANO HEREDIA Universidad Contratado Profesora de curso sobre métodos cualitativos para la maestría del Instituto de Medicina Tropical de la UPCH Febrero 2021 A la actualidad

Experiencia como Asesor de Tesis

Universidad Tesis Tesista(s) Repositorio Fecha Aceptación de Tesis
UNIVERSIDAD PERUANA CAYETANO HEREDIA Doctorado Jorge Luis Cañari Casaño Octubre 2023

Experiencia como evaluador y/o formulador de proyectos

Tipo de experiencia Ańo Tipo de proyecto Entidad financiadora Nombre del concurso Metodología de evaluación Monto proyecto (USD)

Formación Académica (Fuente: SUNEDU)

Grado Título Centro de Estudios País de Estudios Fuente

Formación Académica (Fuente: Manual)

Grado Título Centro de Estudios País de Estudios Fecha de inicio Fecha fin Fuente

Estudios Técnicos

Centro de estudios Carrera Fecha de Inicio Fecha de fin

Estudios académicos y/o técnicos superiores en curso

Centro de estudios Carrera Tipo de estudios Fecha de inicio

Formación Complementaria

Centro de estudios Capacitación complementaria Frecuencia Cantidad País de estudio Fecha de inicio Fecha fin


Idioma Lectura Conversación Escritura Forma de aprendizaje Lengua Materna

Línea de investigación

Área Sub área Disciplina Temática Ambiental Temática Médica y de la Salud
Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud Ciencias de la Salud Salud pública
Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud Ciencias de la Salud Enfermedades infecciosas
Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud Otras Ciencias Médicas Otras ciencias médicas Metaxénicas y zoonóticas
Ciencias Naturales Ciencias de la tierra y medioambientales Investigación del clima Investigación socioeconómica sobre vulnerabilidades asociadas a peligros geofísicos

Producción científica

Tipo Producción Título Autor Año de Producción DOI Revista Fuente Cuartil de ScimagoJR o JCR*
Artículo en revista científica Seeking information and services associated with reproductive health among rural Peruvian young adults: exploratory qualitative research from Amazonas, Peru McGuire M.F. 2024 10.1186/S12978-024-01769-2 Reproductive Health 2024: No disponible**, 2020: Q1
Artículo en revista científica Implementation of new technologies designed to improve cervical cancer screening and completion of care in low-resource settings: a case study from the Proyecto Precancer Gilman S.D. 2024 10.1186/S43058-024-00566-Z Implementation Science Communications S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Acceptance and uptake of improved biomass cookstoves in Peru – Learning from system level approaches to transform large-scale cooking interventions Nuño N. 2023 10.1016/J.ERSS.2023.102958 Energy Research and Social Science 2023: No disponible**, 2020: Q1
Review A critical analysis of national plans for climate adaptation for health in South America Paz-Soldán V.A. 2023 10.1016/J.LANA.2023.100604 Lancet Regional Health - Americas, The Q1
Review The Lancet Countdown South America: increasing health opportunities by identifying the gaps in health and climate change research Palmeiro-Silva Y.K. 2023 10.1016/J.LANA.2023.100605 Lancet Regional Health - Americas, The Q1
Artículo en revista científica Do Incentives Crowd Out Motivation? A Feasibility Study of a Community Vector-Control Campaign in Peru Buttenheim A.M. 2023 10.1080/08964289.2021.1977603 Behavioral Medicine 2023: No disponible**, 2020: Q2
Artículo en revista científica Inapparent infections shape the transmission heterogeneity of dengue Vazquez-Prokopec G.M. 2023 10.1093/PNASNEXUS/PGAD024 S/C***
Artículo en revista científica “Easy women get it”: pre-existing stigma associated with HPV and cervical cancer in a low-resource setting prior to implementation of an HPV screen-and-treat program Morse R.M. 2023 10.1186/S12889-023-17324-W BMC Public Health Q1
Artículo en revista científica “I wanted information”: navigating breast Cancer and its treatment in Lima, Peru Fields B.C. 2023 10.1186/S12905-023-02321-3 BMC Women's Health Q2
Artículo en revista científica “Day or night, no matter what, I will go”: Women’s perspectives on challenges with follow-up care after cervical cancer screening in Iquitos, Peru: a qualitative study Morse R.M. 2023 10.1186/S12905-023-02414-Z BMC Women's Health Q2
Artículo en revista científica Measuring dengue illness intensity: Development and content validity of the dengue virus daily diary (DENV-DD) Jones A.M. 2023 10.1186/S41687-023-00624-5 Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes Q2
Artículo en revista científica Direct mosquito feedings on dengue-2 virusinfected people reveal dynamics of human infectiousness Lambrechts L. 2023 10.1371/JOURNAL.PNTD.0011593 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Q1
Artículo en revista científica An effective internet-based system for surveillance and elimination of triatomine insects: AlertaChirimacha Tamayo L.D. 2023 10.1371/JOURNAL.PNTD.0011694 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Q1
Artículo en revista científica Quantifying heterogeneities in arbovirus transmission: Description of the rationale and methodology for a prospective longitudinal study of dengue and Zika virus transmission in Iquitos, Peru (2014–2019) Morrison A.C. 2023 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0273798 PLoS ONE Q1
Artículo en revista científica Reflections on the impact and response to the Peruvian 2017 Coastal El Niño event: Looking to the past to prepare for the future Yglesias-González M. 2023 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0290767 PLoS ONE Q1
Artículo en revista científica Using the Health Belief Model to Predict Pre-Travel Health Decisions among U.S.-Based Travelers Rapheal E. 2023 10.4269/AJTMH.22-0633 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Q1
Artículo en revista científica Perceptions of Problems with Household Insects: Qualitative and Quantitative Findings from Peri-Urban Communities in Arequipa, Peru Castillo-Neyra R. 2023 10.4269/AJTMH.23-0266 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Q1
Journal - Article Decolonizing Global Health Research: Perspectives from US and International Global Health Trainees Decamp, Matthew | Matandika, Limbanazo | Chinula, Lameck | Canari-Casano, Jorge L. | Davis, C. Hunter | Anderson, Emily | Mcclellan, Marlena | Chi, Benjamin H. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. 2023 10.5334/AOGH.3961 ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH 2023: No disponible**, 2020: Q3
Artículo en revista científica Ecosyndemics: The potential synergistic health impacts of highways and dams in the Amazon Tallman P.S. 2022 10.1016/J.SOCSCIMED.2020.113037 Social Science and Medicine Q1
Artículo en revista científica The association between the observed and perceived neighbourhood food environment and household food insecurity in a low-income district in Lima, Peru Chaparro M.P. 2022 10.1017/JNS.2022.88 Journal of Nutritional Science Q1
Artículo en revista científica Efficacy of a spatial repellent for control of Aedes-borne virus transmission: A cluster-randomized trial in Iquitos, Peru Morrison A.C. 2022 10.1073/PNAS.2118283119 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Q1
Journal - Article Resistance to single dose albendazole and reinfection with intestinal helminths among children ages 2 to 11 years from the Peruvian Amazon region: a study protocol Curico, Greisi | Garcia-Bardales, Paul | Pinedo, Tackeshy | Shapiama, Wagner | Moncada-Yaicate, Miguel | Romaina, Lucero | Yori, Pablo P. | Paredes-Olortegui, Maribel | Meza-Sanchez, Graciela | Lescano, Andres G. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Schiaffino, Francesca | Oberhelman, Richard A. | Kosek, Margaret N. 2022 10.1186/S12879-022-07494-0 BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2022: No disponible**, 2020: Q3
Journal - Article Determinants of food insecurity among households with children in Villa el Salvador, Lima, Peru: the role of gender and employment, a cross-sectional study Santos, M. Patrizia | Brewer, Jessica D. | Lopez, Miguel A. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Chaparro, M. Pia 2022 10.1186/S12889-022-12889-4 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2022: No disponible**, 2020: Q2
Journal - Article Exploring perceived risk for COVID-19 and its role in protective behavior and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: a qualitative study after the first wave Patterson, Naomi J. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Oberhelman, Richard | Moses, Lina | Madkour, Aubrey | Miles, Thomas T. 2022 10.1186/S12889-022-12900-Y BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 2022: No disponible**, 2020: Q2
Journal - Article Women's perspectives on the acceptability and feasibility of an HPV screen-and-treat approach to cervical cancer prevention in Iquitos, Peru: a qualitative study Morse, Rachel M. | Brown, Joanna | Noble, Helen E. | Lopez, E. Jennifer Rios | Kohler-Smith, Anna | Soto, Sandra | del Cuadro, Daniel Lenin | Diaz, Karina Gonzales | Escudero, Magaly Figueredo | del Aguila, Giannina Vasquez | Jara, Lita E. Carrillo | Delgado, Hermann F. Silva | Palacios, Victor A. | Santos-Ortiz, Carlos | Gravitt, Patti E. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. 2022 10.1186/S12905-022-01943-3 BMC WOMENS HEALTH 2022: No disponible**, 2020: Q2
Artículo en revista científica Use of Formal and Informal Food Resources by Food Insecure Families in Lima, Peru: A Mixed-Methods Analysis Brewer J.D. 2021 10.1007/S10900-021-00989-Y Journal of Community Health Q1
Artículo en revista científica Achieving equity in cervical cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Strengthening health systems using a systems thinking approach Gravitt P.E. 2021 10.1016/J.YPMED.2020.106322 Preventive Medicine Q1
Journal-article Do Incentives Crowd Out Motivation? A Feasibility Study of a Community Vector-Control Campaign in Peru 2021 10.1080/08964289.2021.1977603 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
Other Efficacy of a Spatial Repellent for Control of Aedes-Borne Virus Transmission: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Iquitos, Peru 2021 10.1101/2021.03.03.21252148 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
Conference Paper The 9th Symposium on Global Cancer Research: Looking Back and Charting a Path Forward in Global Cancer Control Duncan K. 2021 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0552 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention No Aplica
Journal - Article Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of cervical cancer prevention and pap smears in two low-income communities in Lima, Peru Miles, Thomas T. | Riley-Powell, Amy R. | Lee, Gwenyth O. | Gotlieb, Esther E. | Barth, Gabriela C. | Tran, Emma Q. | Ortiz, Katherine | Huaynate, Cynthia Anticona | Cabrera, Lilia | Gravitt, Patti E. | Oberhelman, Richard A. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. 2021 10.1186/S12905-021-01291-8 BMC WOMENS HEALTH 2021: No disponible**, 2020: Q2
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Disease-driven reduction in human mobility influences human-mosquito contacts and dengue transmission dynamics. 2021 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008627 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Food choice and dietary intake among people with tuberculosis in Peru: Implications for improving practice Lee G.O. 2020 10.1093/CDN/NZAA001 Current Developments in Nutrition Q1
Other Behavioral and structural barriers to human post-exposure prophylaxis and other preventive practices during a canine rabies epidemic 2020 10.1101/2020.01.16.20016394 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Micronutrient powder use in Arequipa, Peru: Barriers and enablers across multiple levels Brewer J.D. 2020 10.1111/MCN.12915 Maternal and Child Nutrition Q1
Artículo en revista científica Cross-sectional study of dengue-related knowledge, attitudes and practices in Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru Elson W.H. 2020 10.1136/BMJOPEN-2020-037408 BMJ Open Q1
Artículo en revista científica Integrative systems praxis for implementation research (INSPIRE): An implementation methodology to facilitate the global elimination of cervical cancer Gravitt P.E. 2020 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-20-0501 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention Q1
Journal - Article Understanding Geospatial Factors Associated With Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake in Amazonian Peruvian Women Barrett, Benjamin W. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Mendoza-Cervantes, Diana | Sanchez, Graciela Meza | Lopez, Jhonny J. Cordova | Gravitt, Patti E. | Rositch, Anne F. 2020 10.1200/GO.20.00096 JCO Global Oncology S/C***
JOURNAL_ARTICLE The impact of insecticide treated curtains on dengue virus transmission: A cluster randomized trial in Iquitos, Peru 2020 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008097 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Erratum: Correction: Dengue illness impacts daily human mobility patterns in Iquitos, Peru (PLoS neglected tropical diseases (2019) 13 9 (e0007756)) 2020 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008348 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Measuring health related quality of life for dengue patients in Iquitos, Peru 2020 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008477 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Behavioral and structural barriers to accessing human post-exposure prophylaxis and other preventive practices in Arequipa, Peru, during a canine rabies epidemic 2020 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008478 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Cough dynamics in adults receiving tuberculosis treatment 2020 10.1371/journal.pone.0231167 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Heterogeneity of Dengue Illness in Community-Based Prospective Study, Iquitos, Peru. 2020 10.3201/eid2609.191472 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Journal - Article Behavioral Insights Into Micronutrient Powder Use for Childhood Anemia in Arequipa, Peru Brewer, Jessica D. | Shinnick, Julianna | Roman, Karina | Santos, Maria P. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Buttenheim, Alison M. 2020 10.9745/GHSP-D-20-00078 Global Health-Science and Practice Q2
Artículo en revista científica “Knocking on Doors that Don’t Open”: experiences of caregivers of children living with disabilities in Iquitos and Lima, Peru Aguerre I.M. 2019 10.1080/09638288.2018.1471741 Disability and Rehabilitation Q1
Other Socio-spatial heterogeneity in participation in mass dog rabies vaccination campaigns, Arequipa, Peru 2019 10.1101/542878 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Micronutrient powder use in Arequipa, Peru: Barriers and enablers across multiple levels. 2019 10.1111/mcn.12915 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE A behavioral design approach to improving a Chagas disease vector control campaign in Peru. 2019 10.1186/s12889-019-7525-3 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE An agent-based model of dengue virus transmission shows how uncertainty about breakthrough infections influences vaccination impact projections. 2019 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006710 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Acceptability of Aedes aegypti blood feeding on dengue virus-infected human volunteers for vector competence studies in Iquitos, Peru. 2019 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007090 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Feasibility of feeding Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on dengue virus-infected human volunteers for vector competence studies in Iquitos, Peru. 2019 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007116 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Dengue illness impacts daily human mobility patterns in Iquitos, Peru. 2019 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007756 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Potential Use of Community-Based Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Febrile Illnesses: Formative Research in Peru and Cambodia. 2019 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007773 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE A "Cookbook" for Vulnerability Research. 2019 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00352 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica To spray or not to spray? Understanding participation in an indoor residual spray campaign in Arequipa, Peru Paz-Soldán V. 2018 10.1080/17441692.2016.1178317 Global Public Health Q2
Journal - Article Increasing participation in a vector control campaign: a cluster randomised controlled evaluation of behavioural economic interventions in Peru Buttenheim, Alison M. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Castillo-Neyra, Ricardo | Toledo Vizcarra, Amparo M. | Borrini-Mayori, Katty | McGuire, Molly | Arevalo-Nieto, Claudia | Volpp, Kevin G. | Small, Dylan S. | Behrman, Jere R. | Naquira-Verlarde, Cesar | Levy, Michael Z. 2018 10.1136/BMJGH-2018-000757 2018: No disponible**, 2020: Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Delays in seeking and receiving health care services for pneumonia in children under five in the Peruvian Amazon: a mixed-methods study on caregivers perceptions. 2018 10.1186/s12913-018-2950-z Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Small scale migration along the interoceanic highway in Madre de Dios, Peru: an exploration of community perceptions and dynamics due to migration. 2018 10.1186/s12914-018-0152-8 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE "Zika is everywhere": A qualitative exploration of knowledge, attitudes and practices towards Zika virus among women of reproductive age in Iquitos, Peru. 2018 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006708 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Critical linkages between land use change and human health in the Amazon region: A scoping review. 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0196414 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Automatic classification of pediatric pneumonia based on lung ultrasound pattern recognition. 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0206410 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE The Impact of Road Construction on Subjective Well-Being in Communities in Madre de Dios, Peru. 2018 10.3390/ijerph15061271 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Barriers to dog rabies vaccination during an urban rabies outbreak: Qualitative findings from Arequipa, Peru. 2017 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005460 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Spatial Association of Canine Rabies Outbreak and Ecological Urban Corridors, Arequipa, Peru. 2017 10.3390/tropicalmed2030038 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Training in Global Health Through a Novel Joint Project for Trainees from Diverse Disciplines: Benefits, Risks, and Observations. 2017 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0402 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE To spray or not to spray? Understanding participation in an indoor residual spray campaign in Arequipa, Peru. 2016 10.1080/17441692.2016.1178317 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Calling in sick: Impacts of fever on intra-urban human mobility Perkins T.A. 2016 10.1098/RSPB.2016.0390 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Experiences with insecticide-treated curtains: a qualitative study in Iquitos, Peru. 2016 10.1186/s12889-016-3191-x Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Journal - Article Experiences with insecticide-treated curtains: a qualitative study in Iquitos, Peru Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. | Bauer, Karin M. | Lenhart, Audrey | Lopez, Jhonny J. Cordova | Elder, John P. | Scott, Thomas W. | McCall, Philip J. | Kochel, Tadeusz J. | Morrison, Amy C. 2016 10.1186/S12889-016-3191-X BMC PUBLIC HEALTH Q2
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Community perceptions of health and rodent-borne diseases along the Inter-Oceanic Highway in Madre de Dios, Peru. 2016 10.1186/s12889-016-3420-3 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Factors Associated with Correct and Consistent Insecticide Treated Curtain Use in Iquitos, Peru. 2016 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004409 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Design and Testing of Novel Lethal Ovitrap to Reduce Populations of Aedes Mosquitoes: Community-Based Participatory Research between Industry, Academia and Communities in Peru and Thailand. 2016 10.1371/journal.pone.0160386 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Journal - Article Diagnostics barriers and innovations in rural areas: insights from junior medical doctors on the frontlines of rural care in Peru Anticona Huaynate, Cynthia Fiorella | Pajuelo Travezano, Monica Jehnny | Correa, Malena | Mayta Malpartida, Holger | Oberhelman, Richard | Murphy, Laura L. | Paz-Soldan, Valerie A. 2015 10.1186/S12913-015-1114-7 BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH Q3
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Dengue Knowledge and Preventive Practices in Iquitos, Peru. 2015 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0096 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Time-varying, serotype-specific force of infection of dengue virus Reiner R.C. 2014 10.1073/PNAS.1314933111 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Q1
Artículo en revista científica Theory and data for simulating fine-scale human movement in an urban environment Alex Perkins T. 2014 10.1098/RSIF.2014.0642 Journal of the Royal Society Interface Q1
Artículo en revista científica Is participation contagious? Evidence from a household vector control campaign in urban Peru Buttenheim A. 2014 10.1136/JECH-2013-202661 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Strengths and weaknesses of Global Positioning System (GPS) data-loggers and semi-structured interviews for capturing fine-scale human mobility: findings from Iquitos, Peru. 2014 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002888 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Shifting patterns of Aedes aegypti fine scale spatial clustering in Iquitos, Peru. 2014 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003038 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Patient Reported Delays in Seeking Treatment for Tuberculosis among Adult and Pediatric TB Patients and TB Patients Co-Infected with HIV in Lima, Peru: A Qualitative Study. 2014 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00281 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica House-to-house human movement drives dengue virus transmission Stoddard S. 2013 10.1073/PNAS.1213349110 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Q1
Artículo en revista científica The provision of and need for social support among adult and pediatric patients with tuberculosis in Lima, Peru: A qualitative study Paz-Soldán V.A. 2013 10.1186/1472-6963-13-290 BMC Health Services Research Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Using GPS Technology to Quantify Human Mobility, Dynamic Contacts and Infectious Disease Dynamics in a Resource-Poor Urban Environment 2013 10.1371/journal.pone.0058802 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
Journal - Article Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening, case and contact treatment, and condom promotion resulting in STI Reduction two years later in rural Malawi Paz-Soldan, V. A. P. | Hoffman, I. | deGraft-J, J. | Bisika, T. | Kazembe, P. N. | Feluzi, H. | Tsu, A. O. 2012 Malawi Medical Journal Q4
Artículo en revista científica Structural barriers to screening for and treatment of cervical cancer in Peru Paz-Soldán V.A. 2012 10.1016/S0968-8080(12)40680-2 Reproductive Health Matters Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE House-to-house human movement drives dengue virus transmission. 2012 10.1073/pnas.1213349110 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Community, social group, and individual level correlates of rural Malawian mens and womens reproductive health intentions and practices. Paz-Soldan V.A. 2012 African journal of reproductive health Q2
Artículo en revista científica Sustainability of solar disinfection to provide safe drinking water in rural Peru Halperin M. 2011 10.1177/003335491112600521 Public Health Reports Q2
Artículo en revista científica Missed opportunities for health education on Pap smears in Peru Bayer A. 2011 10.1177/1090198110379580 Health Education and Behavior Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Initial assessment of the acceptability of a Push-Pull Aedes aegypti control strategy in Iquitos, Peru and Kanchanaburi, Thailand. 2011 10.4269/ajtmh.2011.09-0615 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Knowledge and attitudes of adult peruvian women vis-à-vis human papillomavirus (HPV), cervical cancer, and the HPV vaccine Lee F. 2010 10.1097/LGT.0B013E3181C08F5E Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease Q2
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Low knowledge of cervical cancer and cervical pap smears among women in Peru, and their ideas of how this could be improved. 2010 10.2190/IQ.31.3.d Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Assessing and maximizing the acceptability of global positioning system device use for studying the role of human movement in dengue virus transmission in Iquitos, Peru. 2010 10.4269/ajtmh.2010.09-0496 Valerie Paz-Soldan a través de ORCID
Review Maternal dengue and pregnancy outcomes: A systematic review Pouliot S.H. 2010 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey Q1
Artículo en revista científica Sexual behavior and drug consumption among young adults in a shantytown in Lima, Peru Gálvez-Buccollini J. 2009 10.1186/1471-2458-9-23 BMC Public Health Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Usefulness of commercially available GPS data-loggers for tracking human movement and exposure to dengue virus 2009 10.1186/1476-072X-8-68 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Gender differences in sex-related alcohol expectancies in young adults from a peri-urban area in Lima, Peru 2009 10.1590/S1020-49892009000600005 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Who is getting Pap smears in urban Peru? Paz Soldan V. 2008 10.1093/IJE/DYN118 International Journal of Epidemiology Q1
JOURNAL_ARTICLE Links between sex-related expectations about alcohol, heavy episodic drinking and sexual risk among young men in a shantytown in Lima, Peru 2008 10.1363/3401508 Scopus - Elsevier a través de ORCID
Artículo en revista científica Direct observation of hygiene in a Peruvian shantytown: not enough handwashing and too little water. Oswald WE 2008 Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Social, economic and demographic determinants of sexual risk behaviors among men in rural Malawi: A district-level study. Soldan VA 2007 African journal of reproductive health No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica HIV voluntary counseling and testing service preferences in a rural Malawi population DeGraft-Johnson J. 2005 10.1007/S10461-005-9018-X AIDS and Behavior Q1
Artículo en revista científica How family planning ideas are spread within social groups in rural Malawi Paz Soldan V. 2004 10.1111/J.0039-3665.2004.00031.X Studies in Family Planning Q1

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