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Ficha CTI Vitae

Dr. Ursula Gonzales-Barron, a Peruvian-Irish national, graduated with first-class honours in the Faculty of Food Industries at the National Agricultural University La Molina, Peru (1999), and later on she obtained the title of Food Engineer. She pursued PhD studies at the Biosystems Engineering Department of University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland (2006), through the award of the prestigious Irish Walsh Fellowship. After spending few months as a postdoctoral research associate in the School of Chemical Engineering in the University of Manchester, UK (2005), she took on the positions of Lead Researcher (2005-2007) and later on Senior Researcher (2007-2012) at UCD Biosystems Engineering, Ireland. Her expertise resides in diverse areas of food quality and safety, including mathematical modelling, predictive microbiology, risk assessment of pathogens, food traceability, shelf-life determination and sensory analysis. She has integrated into food safety research and risk analysis, a series of modelling tools such as meta-analysis, zero-inflated count data models and Bayesian statistics; and has also developed new theoretical frameworks for the modelling of microbial data and subsequent derivation of sampling regimes and microbial control charts for use in food industries. Eager for the establishment of research links, research dissemination and further training, Dr. Gonzales-Barron has been in receipt of 7 grants from competitive European calls. In 2013, she was awarded a 5-year Development Career Fellowship to carry out food safety research at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (IPB), funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Dr. Gonzales-Barron has published 55 peer-reviewed articles; has presented at over 40 international conferences; has lectured at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; has supervised over 13 postgraduate students; and has hosted 7 international researchers.

Fecha de última actualización: 02-03-2020

Scopus Author Identifier: 9435483700
Web of Science ResearcherID: null

Datos Personales

Nacionalidad: PERÚ

Datos Actuales

Pagina web personal: http://cimo.esa.ipb.pt/CV/ursula/
Pais de residencia: Portugal

Experiencia Laboral

Institución Cargo Descripción del cargo Cargo en I+d+i Fecha Inicio Fecha Fin
POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF BRAGANZA INVESTIGATOR FELLOW Investigator Fellowship-holder from the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) Main tasks: Continuing research advances on predictive microbiology, sampling plan theory, meta-analysis, etc.; supervision of students; training and organisation of academic/teaching events. Director/Jefe de Gestión de la Investigación Abril 2013 A la actualidad

Experiencia Laboral como Docente

Institución Tipo Institución Tipo Docente Descripción del cargo Fecha Inicio Fecha Fin
UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO Universidad Contratado Visiting Lecturer Module: Food Quality and Safety Topics: Quality, ISOs, HACCP, statistical quality control, predictive microbiology, risk analysis Faculty of Science Setiembre 2013 Setiembre 2014
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN Universidad Contratado Lecturer at the MSc in Food Safety Module: Global Cold Chain Safety Topics: predictive microbiology, risk ranking, risk analysis Lecturer at Undergraduate programme, Biosystems Engineering Topics: food safety, risk analysis Enero 2007 Octubre 2012

Experiencia como Asesor de Tesis

Universidad Tesis Tesista(s) Repositorio Fecha Aceptación de Tesis

Experiencia como evaluador y/o formulador de proyectos

Tipo de experiencia Ańo Tipo de proyecto Entidad financiadora Nombre del concurso Metodología de evaluación Monto proyecto (USD)

Formación Académica (Fuente: SUNEDU)

Grado Título Centro de Estudios País de Estudios Fuente

Formación Académica (Fuente: Manual)

Grado Título Centro de Estudios País de Estudios Fecha de inicio Fecha fin Fuente

Estudios Técnicos

Centro de estudios Carrera Fecha de Inicio Fecha de fin

Estudios académicos y/o técnicos superiores en curso

Centro de estudios Carrera Tipo de estudios Fecha de inicio

Formación Complementaria

Centro de estudios Capacitación complementaria Frecuencia Cantidad País de estudio Fecha de inicio Fecha fin


Idioma Lectura Conversación Escritura Forma de aprendizaje Lengua Materna

Línea de investigación

Área Sub área Disciplina Temática Ambiental Temática Médica y de la Salud
Ciencias Agrícolas Ciencias animales y lechería Ciencias animales y lechería
Ciencias Agrícolas Biotecnología Agrícola Biotecnología agrícola y de alimentos
Ciencias Naturales Ciencias biológicas Biología celular y microbiología
Ciencias Naturales Matemática Estadísticas y probabilidades (investigación en metodologías)

Producción científica

Tipo Producción Título Autor Año de Producción DOI Revista Fuente Cuartil de ScimagoJR o JCR*
Artículo en revista científica An exposure assessment model of the prevalence of Salmonella spp. along the processing stages of Brazilian beef. Gonzales-Barrón U 2016 Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnologia de los alimentos internacional No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica A meta-analysis of the effect of pasture access on the lipid content and fatty acid composition of lamb meat Popova T. 2015 Food Research International S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Meta-analysis of the effects of sanitizing treatments on Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes inactivation in fresh produce. Prado-Silva L 2015 Applied and environmental microbiology No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Modeling the effects of temperature and pH on the resistance of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in conventional heat-treated fruit beverages through a meta-analysis approach. Silva LP 2015 Food microbiology No Aplica
Conference Paper Risk of salmonellosis from the consumption of Irish fresh pork sausages Gonzales-Barron U. 2015 International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
Artículo en revista científica A novel derivation of a within-batch sampling plan based on a Poisson-gamma model characterising low microbial counts in foods. Gonzales-Barron U 2013 International journal of food microbiology No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Modelling the effect of chilling on the occurrence of Salmonella on pig carcasses at study, abattoir and batch levels by meta-analysis. Gonzales-Barron U 2013 International journal of food microbiology No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Predictive thermal inactivation model for the combined effect of temperature, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol on starvation-stressed multiple Salmonella serotypes in ground chicken. Juneja VK 2013 International journal of food microbiology No Aplica
Conference Paper A meta-analytical assessment of the variability between abattoirs in the effect of chilling on the Salmonella incidence on pig carcasses Gonzales-Barron U. 2012 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2012, FOODSIM 2012 No Aplica
Book Chapter Predictive Microbial Modelling Gonzales-Barron U. 2012 Handbook of Food Safety Engineering No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica A comparison between the discrete Poisson-gamma and Poisson-lognormal distributions to characterise microbial counts in foods Gonzales-Barron U. 2011 Food Control S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Characterisation of within-batch and between-batch variability in microbial counts in foods using Poisson-gamma and Poisson-lognormal regression models Gonzales-Barron U. 2011 Food Control S/C***
Artículo en revista científica The use of meta-analytical tools in risk assessment for food safety Gonzales-Barron U. 2011 Food Microbiology S/C***
Artículo en revista científica The use of meta-analytical tools in risk assessment for food safety. Gonzales-Barron U 2011 Food microbiology No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Count data distributions and their zero-modified equivalents as a framework for modelling microbial data with a relatively high occurrence of zero counts. Gonzales-Barron U 2010 International journal of food microbiology No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Modeling prevalence and counts from most probable number in a bayesian framework: an application to Salmonella typhimurium in fresh pork sausages. Gonzales-Barron U 2010 Journal of food protection No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica Discrimination of crumb grain visual appearance of organic and non-organic bread loaves by image texture analysis Gonzales-Barron U. 2008 Journal of Food Engineering S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Fractal texture analysis of bread crumb digital images Gonzales-Barron U. 2008 European Food Research and Technology S/C***
Artículo en revista científica Prediction of panellists perception of bread crumb appearance using fractal and visual textural features Gonzales-Barron U. 2008 European Food Research and Technology S/C***
Artículo en revista científica A comparison of seven thresholding techniques with the k-means clustering algorithm for measurement of bread-crumb features by digital image analysis Gonzales-Barron U. 2006 Journal of Food Engineering S/C***

* Sólo se presentan los cuartiles para la producción tipo artículos y review.

** Cuartil no disponible para el año de la publicación.

*** La revista no tiene cuartil en el año de la publicación.

Otras Producciones

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Proyectos de Investigación

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Proyectos importados de ORCID

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Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual

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Productos de Desarrollo Industrial

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Distinciones y Premios

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