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Artículo en revista científica
An exposure assessment model of the prevalence of Salmonella spp. along the processing stages of Brazilian beef.
Gonzales-Barrón U
Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnologia de los alimentos internacional
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
A meta-analysis of the effect of pasture access on the lipid content and fatty acid composition of lamb meat
Popova T.
Food Research International
Artículo en revista científica
Meta-analysis of the effects of sanitizing treatments on Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes inactivation in fresh produce.
Prado-Silva L
Applied and environmental microbiology
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
Modeling the effects of temperature and pH on the resistance of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in conventional heat-treated fruit beverages through a meta-analysis approach.
Silva LP
Food microbiology
No Aplica
Conference Paper
Risk of salmonellosis from the consumption of Irish fresh pork sausages
Gonzales-Barron U.
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
Artículo en revista científica
A novel derivation of a within-batch sampling plan based on a Poisson-gamma model characterising low microbial counts in foods.
Gonzales-Barron U
International journal of food microbiology
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
Modelling the effect of chilling on the occurrence of Salmonella on pig carcasses at study, abattoir and batch levels by meta-analysis.
Gonzales-Barron U
International journal of food microbiology
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Artículo en revista científica
Predictive thermal inactivation model for the combined effect of temperature, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol on starvation-stressed multiple Salmonella serotypes in ground chicken.
Juneja VK
International journal of food microbiology
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Conference Paper
A meta-analytical assessment of the variability between abattoirs in the effect of chilling on the Salmonella incidence on pig carcasses
Gonzales-Barron U.
7th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2012, FOODSIM 2012
No Aplica
Book Chapter
Predictive Microbial Modelling
Gonzales-Barron U.
Handbook of Food Safety Engineering
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
A comparison between the discrete Poisson-gamma and Poisson-lognormal distributions to characterise microbial counts in foods
Gonzales-Barron U.
Food Control
Artículo en revista científica
Characterisation of within-batch and between-batch variability in microbial counts in foods using Poisson-gamma and Poisson-lognormal regression models
Gonzales-Barron U.
Food Control
Artículo en revista científica
The use of meta-analytical tools in risk assessment for food safety
Gonzales-Barron U.
Food Microbiology
Artículo en revista científica
The use of meta-analytical tools in risk assessment for food safety.
Gonzales-Barron U
Food microbiology
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
Count data distributions and their zero-modified equivalents as a framework for modelling microbial data with a relatively high occurrence of zero counts.
Gonzales-Barron U
International journal of food microbiology
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
Modeling prevalence and counts from most probable number in a bayesian framework: an application to Salmonella typhimurium in fresh pork sausages.
Gonzales-Barron U
Journal of food protection
No Aplica
Artículo en revista científica
Discrimination of crumb grain visual appearance of organic and non-organic bread loaves by image texture analysis
Gonzales-Barron U.
Journal of Food Engineering
Artículo en revista científica
Fractal texture analysis of bread crumb digital images
Gonzales-Barron U.
European Food Research and Technology
Artículo en revista científica
Prediction of panellists perception of bread crumb appearance using fractal and visual textural features
Gonzales-Barron U.
European Food Research and Technology
Artículo en revista científica
A comparison of seven thresholding techniques with the k-means clustering algorithm for measurement of bread-crumb features by digital image analysis
Gonzales-Barron U.
Journal of Food Engineering